Road 96 Expo 26/01/2023 Médiathèque Emilie Zola
There are many great things about living in the city of Montpellier– The sunny beaches, the beautiful pedestrian city center, and a thriving video game community! I have had the pleasure of working with several video game companies based in Montpellier and it all started with the game Road 96 made by the indie video game company Digixart. Road 96 is a procedural story based adventure game that lets you play a teenager in the 90s on an epic road trip quest to leave their dystopian home country. Every decision the player makes can alter the outcome of the game. Along the way there are several characters you will meet that can help or hinder your success. I voiced the character of Alex, a wisecracking ten year old computer prodigy.
As this was my first video game, I was very invested in the public reception of the game. I loved the world that the digixart team created and I really felt that the artistic design, the music and the storytelling were just amazing. I wasn’t the only one who felt this way evidently because the general reception of the game was overwhelmingly positive, and the game won 5 awards at the Pégases French gaming awards including best indie game of 2022!
This Thursday the 26th of January there will be an exposition at the médiathèque Emilie Zola in Montpellier with the Digixart team. Exposition starts at 7pm and entry is free. Hope to see you there but if not, check back here for pictures of the event!

Découverte du jeu Road 96 de Digixart Studio, plébiscité par la critique et par les jours ! Venez découvrir le meilleur jeu vidéo indépendant 2022. Soirée spéciale jeudi 26 janvier à 19H à la médiathèque Emilie Zola de Montpellier. Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponible.